Open-Ended Feedback from Educators
Top themes and examples of corresponding quotes
- Need for student/staff screening protocols; need explicit guidelines for sick students and staff to stay home;
“We need to be able to stay home/ send students home. Pressure to keep up/ stick it out needs to change The existing culture around illness must change. Currently staff and students come in even if ‘under the weather.’ Parents MUST keep sick kids home.”
- Class sizes and need for physical distancing;
“Reduce class sizes to help ensure physical distancing measures. Better guidance is needed to help teachers manage crowd control issues - how to best set up classrooms; how to move through hallways…”
- Occasional teacher coverage;
“Occasional teachers should only be assigned to one school. Otherwise, the cohort will not exist any time a teacher is absent for whatever reason. We have learned from long term care homes that workers spread disease when working in more than one home.”
“Please inform us of sick leave and health plan coverage if teachers and support staff get covid during the school year. How are we protected/insured? We are expected to be at school but if we get sick, how much coverage do we have? Thinking of single income homes…”
- Cleaning; need more custodial and support staff;
“Cleaning protocols must be enhanced and this should both be closely monitored as well as provided by sanitation staff - not a teacher expectation. Custodial staff require much more training, time and resources to absolutely ensure that proper cleaning takes place each day.”
- Access to and availability of health and safety resources/materials;
“PPE. Who will provide staff with PPE equipment?”
- Educator workload; concerns about teaching in-class and providing support online at the same time; equity and sharing/balancing workload among homeroom and non-homeroom teachers;
“The workload for teachers, regardless of what implementation plan is chosen, must be reasonable, feasible. Because wellness it not just important for students, but for teachers as well.”
- Opportunities/Need for PD, training;
“Online Learning can be successful if we are all on the same page and have the necessary resources. The spring is a poor reflection of online learning. It’s was an emergency situation and teachers were learning. If teachers are given proper training and resources it could work better.”
- Social-emotional well-being and mental health;
“Mental health support and resources needed: I'm expecting heightened mental health issues related to anxiety when we return. What supports will be available to access for my students?”
- Student engagement; higher expectations; participation in online learning;
“Mandatory online learning. By saying online learning didn’t count toward assessment, it allowed students to check out.”
“Clear expectations for parents about what teachers can and cannot do. Hopefully the Board will define the expectations of teachers clearly so that parents (or older students) understand what is being asked of teachers.”
- Young learners; students with special needs and/or behavioural issues;
“KINDERGARTEN - how can we expect 3/4/5 year olds to social distance? What about shared toys? We need CLEAR direction on how to lead a play based program while ensuring safety.”
- Clear policies and communications with staff; what happens if a suspected case; student/staff screening protocols;
“Clear and transparent process for addressing illnesses. Flow chart to ensure that the protocol is clear and understood and then followed”
- Shared materials; access to learning tools;
“Tools - we need clear direction on what things students can and can't use or share. Books, pencils, art supplies, sharpeners ect... Will they have their own bin of supplies? Who will create those bins and sanitize them?”
“What type of online learning resources will the board be providing? Kids need access to digital books and learning materials. There are good resources online but with free subscriptions ending, I cannot provide them.”
- Timely communication to allow for planning; inclusion; need to feel heard;
“Communicate with us in a timely manner. A plan being emailed at 4:30 on Friday of summer vacation felt like we were not a welcome part of the team.”
- Student engagement; higher expectations;
“The students need clear expectations of the amount of work, working hours, and class attendance needed for them to be successful while they are home. Learning-at-home was too loose, no consistency between classes, student engagement was poor, little motivation when kids knew marks would not go down”
- Need for educator consistency;
“Consistent expectations for all staff are needed. If we have a blended model upon return, we ALL need to be doing the same thing. This summer, some of our colleagues stepped up while some did not.”
- Access to various common spaces; ensuring safe procedures for shared use;
“Workspace for teaching staff: Secondary teachers don't have their own classrooms for prep. How will common space/materials/equipment be shared?”
- Allow time for planning and collaboration;
“Create time for teachers to have grade meetings so resources can be shared, team planning can happen etc. In spring, there was nowhere near enough time to collaborate with fellow teachers. Maybe alternate division meetings with grade meetings weekly.”
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Survey Responses from Staff
Themes were originally produced for each group (elementary, secondary, and staff who supported multiple grades/divisions) but then collapsed for ease of interpretation, given the substantial overlap.