March 3, 2023 - News from the Boardroom, 2023-2024 School Year Calendars, and more

March 3, 2023 - News from the Boardroom, 2023-2024 School Year Calendars, and more
Posted on 03/03/2023

Dear Families, 

It’s been another exciting week of learning in our schools. While two school news stories we’ve heard this week share something unexpected in common - chocolate - both provide a special glimpse into the experiential learning happening in schools across our district. Around 240 grade 8 students at Fisher Park Public School collaborated to launch “Fisher and the Chocolate Factory”, where our young entrepreneurs learned the art of chocolate-making to raise funds for a great cause. In addition, the Sawmill Creek Elementary School community went on a cross-curricular journey to stage the Willy Wonka Jr. musical, where students from kindergarten to grade 8 applied their drama, production, art, writing, and leadership skills to bring the show to life. As our students continue to learn in new ways together, we look forward to sharing more exciting stories from our classrooms and beyond. 

News from the Boardroom 

Every month at our Board of Trustees meeting, OCDSB trustees discuss key items and hold final votes on decisions that impact the school district. Visit our website to learn more about the key highlights from the Board Meeting on Tuesday, February 28th, including the approval of the facilities renewal program and school condition improvement project budget, and the approval of the draft school year calendars for 2023-2024. 

2023-2024 School Year Calendars (Subject to Ministry Approval)

This week the Board of Trustees approved draft elementary and secondary calendars for the 2023-2024 school year. Please note, these calendars are subject to Ministry Approval. Visit our website to learn key dates for elementary and secondary students.

Nominations Open - 2022-2023 Community Recognition Awards! 

Volunteers play an important role in our children’s education today. Their life experiences, knowledge, and expertise can have a tremendous impact in the classroom and beyond. These valued partners foster interaction and co-operation between and among the school and wider community for the benefit of all students. Each year, the OCDSB recognizes the valuable contributions of our community members, parents, and businesses through the OCDSB Community Recognition Awards. The 6 award categories include the Community Award, Community Partnership Award, Excellence in Equity Community Award, Distinguished School Council Service Award, Volunteer of the Year Award,and Chair’s Award. Do you know someone who is making a difference in a volunteer role? Nominate them today! Learn more about the award categories and submit a nomination here.

Now Open: School Climate Survey for Parents and Caregivers 

The School Climate Survey for parents and caregivers is open until Friday, March 24, 2023. This is a voluntary and anonymous online survey for parents, guardians, and caregivers of students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 that will help inform school improvement initiatives. To learn more, look for an email from your Principal and read our frequently asked questionsClick here to complete the survey, which is available in 12 languages. 

Apply by March 31: Catch-Up Payments for Families 

In October 2021, the Ontario Government announced parents and guardians are eligible for “catch-up payments”, offering $200 or $250 per child (between kindergarten and Grade 12) to help pay for student learning supports to fill gaps that may have emerged because of COVID‑19. If you have not yet applied for these catch-up payments, the deadline is March 31, 2023. Learn more and apply on the Ontario government's website.

Celebrating the Work of our Sankofa Students

Throughout the month of February, students in Woodroffe High School and Ridgemont High School’s Sankofa programs, along with those participating in the Black Youth Forum, shared their voices at school and in the wider Ottawa community. Speaking from their experience as Black youth in Ottawa, they took part in panel discussions, gave interviews, and hosted assemblies to celebrate the richness of black heritage and highlight the issues they face in relation to equity in education. The Sankofa Centre aims to provide African, Black, and Caribbean students with culturally responsive support, with a goal of improved confidence, achievement in school, and engagement in their communities, and we are grateful for the work and learning these students have shared with us over the past month! 

A Message from Ottawa Public Health

As they keep track of many illnesses and vaccine preventable diseases around the world, Ottawa Public Health is currently monitoring the emergence of measles. Prevention through vaccination is the best protection, but many children and youth in Ottawa are missing routine vaccinations that would protect them from measles and other vaccine preventable diseases. Parents can find out if their child is due for vaccination, which vaccinations have already been reported to OPH, and where their child can get vaccinated here

In addition, a reminder that Ottawa Public Health (OPH) updates their Respiratory Virus Dashboard every Wednesday. OPH continues to recommend layers of protection like masks, COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, flu vaccines, and staying home when sick.

Upcoming Events 

  • Tuesday, March 7: Committee of the Whole Meeting. The Committee of the Whole will meet publicly at 7:00 p.m. Items for discussion include the OCDSB’s revised field trips policy, notice of a motion about recycling programs in the OCDSB, and more. View the agenda and save this link to watch the livestream. 
  • Saturday, March 25: Supporting Black Student Success - Parent Advocacy Conference. Join us at Brookfield High School from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to learn strategies for supporting and advocating for your children’s success, and to network with community partners and other parents and caregivers. Register Now.
  • Wednesday, March 29: Supporting Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Youth. Parents and caregivers are welcome to join us from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for a webinar that will answer questions and share strategies on how to support trans and gender diverse children and youth. Register here
  • Monday, April 17 and Tuesday, April 18: Pop Up Prom Shop. If your child is in need of a prom dress and may not be able to afford one, registration is now open for The Fairy Godmother pop-up prom dress boutique. Appointments will take place on Monday, April 17 from 2:00 – 8:00 p.m. and Tuesday, April 18 from 2:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the OCDSB’s Confederation Education Centre. Book your appointment today.

Important Dates in the Week Ahead 

  • March 6: Black Mental Health Day. Black Mental Health Day is an opportunity to confront the impacts of anti-Black racism on the physical and mental health of Black Canadians.
  • March 6-7: Purim. Purim celebrates the saving of the Jewish people from erasure by an oppressive ruler, as related in the Book of Esther. Chag Purim sameach to all in our community who are celebrating!
  • March 6: Magha Puja Day. Magha Puja Day honors the Three Jewels of Buddhism: the Buddha (his enlightenment), the Sangha (the community of Buddhists around the world) and the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha). We send our best wishes to all who are celebrating.
  • March 6-10: Social Work Week. Please join us in recognizing the social workers who provide important mental health supports to our OCDSB community. We are grateful for everything they do in support of students and families.
  • March 7: Holi. Holi is a religious spring festival often celebrated by joyfully throwing colourful powder and water at one another, and is observed by many Sikh, Hindu, and other communities. Wishing happiness and prosperity to all who are celebrating. 
  • March 8: International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, and highlights where action is still needed in order for us to work together to build a more equitable future. 

Thank you, 

Michele Giroux 

Director of Education 


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