March 31, 2023 - Nominations Closing Soon: Community Recognition Awards, Revised Field Trips Policy Approved, and more.
Dear Families,
Public meetings have always been an important part of our culture at the OCDSB. We encourage community engagement and the healthy and respectful debate of issues and ideas. There will always be different perspectives on issues, but it is unacceptable when healthy debate turns to racism, hate, transphobia, antisemitism or any form of discrimination against members of our community. And, it is untenable that anyone becomes the subject of hate messages and threats against their life.
This week we had to put into place a number of measures to ensure the safety of all participants in public meetings. These measures worked well inside the building, but we had to call the police to assist in managing a large crowd outside. Moving forward, we will continue with these safety measures and where necessary, make further changes as needed to ensure trustees, staff and members of the public can engage and discuss issues in a safe and respectful manner.
This week, our trans and gender diverse community was under attack. Today is the International Transgender Day of Visibility, a day that celebrates transgender and gender diverse peoples and advocates for their safety and well-being. To all OCDSB transgender and gender diverse students, staff and families - we see you, we hear you, we celebrate you and are grateful for your contribution to this community. We will continue to advocate for your right to live safely and authentically in our schools and community. Please read our message about the importance of March 31st.
Nominations Closing Soon: Community Recognition Awards
If you know an outstanding volunteer whose hard work and dedication is deserving of recognition in the OCDSB’s Community Recognition Awards, nominate them here by Friday, April 7th at 4:00 p.m.
Revised Field Trips Policy Approved
The OCDSB Field Trip policy has been updated (Policy P.029.SCO Field Trips). The changes are the result of internal feedback from the Board and feedback from the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) community. The approved policy can be accessed and reviewed here - thank you to all who took the time to submit feedback. Please visit our website to learn more.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, April 3: Neurodiversity to Neuroharmony, a Virtual Event with Dr. Peter Vermeulen. Parents and caregivers are welcome to join us on Monday, April 3 at 7:00 p.m. for the premiere of Neurodiversity to Neuroharmony, a Virtual Event with Dr. Peter Vermeulen. Dr. Vermeulen’s presentation will highlight how a positive focus on our shared desire to be happy can help us move from neurodiversity to neuroharmony. Save this link to attend, and submit a question after the session using this form. Please note, the link to the event will become available on April 3 at 7:00 p.m. and will remain available for you to watch throughout the month of April.
- Wednesday, April 19: Social Media And Your Kids. Join us at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19th for a webinar with MediaSmarts, to learn more about how kids are using social networking, and discover strategies to help children and youth minimize negative experiences and maximize the positive opportunities social media has to offer. Register here.
Important Dates in the Week Ahead
- Genocide Awareness, Education, Condemnation and Prevention Month: In 2015, the House of Commons designated April as Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation, and Prevention Month in Canada. This honours the memory of victims of genocide and reflects on the root causes so these tragedies never happen again.
- World Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month and World Autism Awareness Day: Autism is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that affects about one in 50 children and youth in Canada. Autism affects the way individuals interact and communicate with those around them, and each person with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is unique and has their own strengths, gifts, and support needs. World Autism Awareness Day is recognized on Sunday, April 2nd.
- Sikh Heritage Month: The month of April is an opportunity to celebrate the history, culture, and accomplishments of Sikh Canadians in our District and across the province.
- Passover: Passover will begin the evening of April 5, 2023. Passover is an important Jewish holiday that commemorates the freedom of Israelites from slavery in Egypt. We wish a peaceful and joyous Passover to all who are observing.
- Easter Weekend: Next weekend, many in our community will observe Good Friday and Easter. A reminder that there is no school for elementary or secondary students on Friday, April 7th or on Monday, April 10th. All OCDSB offices and schools will be closed. We wish a Happy Easter to those who are celebrating.
Ottawa Public Health’s Respiratory Virus Dashboard
A reminder that Ottawa Public Health (OPH) updates their Respiratory Virus Dashboard every Wednesday, and continues to recommend layers of protection like masks, COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, flu vaccines, and staying home when sick.
Thank you,
Michele Giroux
Director of Education