June 2, 2023 - OCDSB Staff-Recommended Budget, Celebrating the Winners of our Community Recognition Awards, and more.

June 2, 2023 - OCDSB Staff-Recommended Budget, Celebrating the Winners of our Community Recognition Awards, and more.
Posted on 06/02/2023

Dear Families, 

OCDSB Staff-Recommended Budget

On Wednesday, May 31, 2023, the OCDSB presented the staff recommended budget for the 2023-2024 school year. The total operating budget is approximately $1.1 billion and the capital budget is $140.3 million. In preparing this budget, the focus of our work this year was to find budget savings opportunities, while maintaining the high quality of programs and services that we offer. There will be opportunities for further discussion and public delegations at the next Committee of the Whole (Budget) meeting on June 6 at 7:00 p.m. Learn more.  

Celebrating the Winners of our Community Recognition Awards 

At this week’s Board Meeting, the winners of the 2022-2023 Community Recognition Awards were announced and celebrated. Please visit our website to learn more about their hard work and dedication. Thank you to all our nominees and winners, and to all our volunteers for your incredible work this year! 

Director’s Citation and Employee Recognition Award Winners for 2022-2023

This week we are also sharing the winners of the OCDSB’s Director’s Citation and Employee Recognition Awards, which recognize the work and achievements of OCDSB staff members. Please visit our website to learn more about these incredible staff members and their many contributions to our schools and administrative offices! 

Summer Learning for Students in Grades 6-8

Registration is still open for summer learning programs for students in grades 6, 7 and 8! This 17 day program runs from July 5th- 27th and is offered at four different OCDSB schools: Broadview PS, Steve Maclean PS, Jack Donohue PS and Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS. Visit our website for more details, and reach out to your child’s teacher if you think your child would benefit from this program. 

Classroom Chronicles

OCDSB students have been recognized through a wide range of awards and competitions. Ashbani K. from OCV Secondary was the recipient of a $100,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship from the University of Alberta in recognition of her achievements in STEM. Anya W. from Nepean High School was one of two Ottawa students selected to become “Mayor for a Day.” OCDSB students also succeeded at the Canada-Wide Science Fair, MASC Arts Awards, Euro Challenge Canada, and more. Celebrate their achievements!

Students from Canterbury High School and OCV Secondary earned top spots at the Ontario Business Educators’ Association (OBEA) Student Business Awards, bringing home more than half of the awards from across the province. 

Photography students at Woodroffe High School recently held their second exhibition, showcasing images that captured their stories, communities, and viewpoints. See how this unique program is putting student perspectives in focus.

Year-End Student Transportation Updates 

Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) would like to share a few reminders for the upcoming school year. 

  • Please update your address with your school, if it has changed.
  • Empty Seat Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year: Students who are not in a school’s Bus Zone may apply for an empty seat online
  • Joint Custody Renewals Due June 30: Renewals must be done every year. Please complete the renewal form for existing variable transportation arrangements no later than June 30, 2023. 

University of Ottawa Offering Summer Courses to Earn High School Credits 

Over the summer, the University of Ottawa Faculty of Engineering Secondary School is offering four technology and computer science courses, allowing high school students to earn high school credits. Bursary opportunities are available for students in grade 8 (reach ahead), grade 9, and grade 10 whose parents are from recognized visible minorities or who are Indigenous. Learn more about the courses and about submitting a bursary application. Bursary applications are due by June 5.

Proms, Graduation Dinners, and Other Events  

Proms, dances, and graduation dinners are a chance to celebrate the end of high school. Families are encouraged to speak with their children about the risks that come with these events. Many events of this nature are not sanctioned by the school and staff supervision is not provided. Neither the OCDSB or the school will assume any responsibility or liability for non-sanctioned events. Please take a look at the following resources and speak with your child:

Celebrating Pride Month and Standing Together Against Hate

Pride Month is an opportunity to celebrate diversity, learn about the achievements and histories of 2SLGBTQ+ individuals, and acknowledge the many challenges 2SLGBTQ+ communities continue to face. This month, we focus on curriculum expectations linked to equity, human rights, and overcoming discrimination. OCDSB schools fly the Pride flag in June to reaffirm to the 2SLGBTQ+ students, staff, and families that we see you, we hear you, we value your contributions and we remain committed to ensuring that our schools and workplaces are safe, welcoming and inclusive. 

National Indigenous History Month 

Join us this month in learning and reflecting upon the history, role models, leaders, accomplishments, and culture of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. Visit our website to explore local events, book recommendations, podcasts, music, videos, and more. 

Upcoming Events 

  • Wednesday, June 7: Black Youth Forum. Join us from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the University of Ottawa for the sixth annual Black Youth Forum. We invite Grades 7–12 students, family members, staff, Trustees and community partners who identify as African, Black or Afro-African Caribbean and their allies. Please register before the end of the day today, June 2.
  • Wednesday, June 7 and Thursday, June 8: OCDSB Skateboards for Indigenous Youth Showcases. Students from Urban Aboriginal Alternate and Norman Johnston Alternate programs have created an outstanding set of personal skateboards, in collaboration with local Métis artist Jaime Morse, to provide to Indigenous youth in need in Ottawa. Join one of two open houses to celebrate their work, on June 7th from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Urban Aboriginal Alternate (440 Albert Street) and June 8th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the National Arts Centre (1 Elgin Street in Canal Lobby).
  • Saturday, June 24: Gloucester High School 60th Anniversary Reunion: Did you attend Gloucester High School? The school is hosting a reunion for alumni from the past 60 years. Early bird tickets are on sale until June 4!

Important Dates in the Week Ahead

  • June 4-10 is Canada Environment Week, an opportunity to celebrate and safeguard our environment, reduce plastic waste and pollution, and work to protect wildlife and nature.

Thank you, 

Michele Giroux 

Director of Education


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