February 10, 2023 - Reminder: Program Registration Deadlines, Report Cards, Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria, and more.
Dear Families,
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we rescheduled the Kindergarten and High School information nights and other events scheduled for yesterday evening due to the weather. New dates and times for these events will be shared as soon as they are available on our school websites and District website. You can keep an eye on our Kindergarten Information Nights and High School Information Nights page for updates.
Next Friday, February 17th, will be a Professional Activity Day at all our elementary and secondary schools. Monday, February 20th is Family Day. There will be no classes for students on either of these days and schools and administrative sites will be closed for the Family Day holiday.
Reminder: Program Registration Deadlines
Report Cards
Secondary students and families will be receiving report cards via email throughout the day today. Elementary families will be emailed report cards on Wednesday, February 15th. To open the report card, enter your child’s Ontario Education Number (OEN) with the hyphens included (the format is XXX-XXX-XXX). You can find your child’s OEN on a previous report card. If you do not have a previous report card or are having difficulty finding the OEN, please contact your school. Visit our website to learn more about report cards.
Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria
This week, parts of southern Türkiye and northern Syria experienced a series of devastating earthquakes. Our thoughts are with all those affected by this disaster. There are many families in our community who may be from this area or have loved ones affected. Should you or your child need any additional support please reach out to your school for help. For those wishing to make a donation, you may wish to consider the Canadian Red Cross. From February 6 to 22, the Government of Canada will match donations from individuals to the Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria Appeal, up to a maximum of $10 million.
Weekly Update from Ottawa Public Health
Indicators in this week’s update from Ottawa Public Health show that levels of respiratory illness continue to move in a good direction. However, they share that it is important to continue to use layers of protection like masks, COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, flu vaccines, and staying home when sick, especially throughout the winter months. Beginning next week, OPH will be changing the way they report this information - please learn more.
2023-2027 Strategic Plan Planning Process: Share Your Story! Electronic Feedback Launches Next Week
We are thankful for your collaboration and feedback in creating the next strategic plan. Next week we will be launching the electronic feedback option, for you to anonymously share your priorities for OCDSB's future. You can choose to do this in multiple languages. We will send you a detailed email next week with the participation link and additional information. Learn more.
Nominations are Open for the 2023 OPSBA Awards
Do you know an amazing teacher, education worker, school administrator, trustee, student or community member who has made a difference in their school or community? Nominations for the 2023 Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) Awards are now open! Complete the online form to submit a nomination by April 3 (or June 7 for the Bernardine Yackman Memorial Award). Learn more.
February 14th: Have a Heart Day
Have a Heart Day is a child and youth-led reconciliation event that helps First Nations children have the opportunity to grow up safely, get a good education, be healthy, and be proud of who they are. Learn more about how you can get involved.
February 22: Pink Shirt Day
Wednesday, February 22nd is Pink Shirt Day. Inspired by a real-life act of solidarity against bullying, Pink Shirt Day raises awareness about the impacts of bullying and how we can work together to prevent it and support those affected by it. OCDSB schools will be taking part in activities related to Pink Shirt Day, and students and staff members are welcome to wear pink to show their support. Learn more.
We have several great upcoming events….
- Saturday, February 11: Black History, A Day of Celebration. Join us from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School for a keynote by Meghan Stewart, performances by students, staff, and community, and a chance to learn from student Black Excellence Clubs.
- Monday, February 13: Introduction to Gender Identity and Expression. Parents and caregivers are welcome to join us virtually from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. and can submit questions in advance.
- Wednesday, February 15: Transition Planning Q&A Session, Community/Day Programs. Join the session at 6:00 p.m. to ask questions about community and day programs for youth with developmental disabilities.
- Wednesday, February 22: Transition Planning Q&A on Post-secondary Education Opportunities and Employment Opportunities and Support. Join the session at 6:00 p.m. to ask questions about post-secondary education and employment opportunities.
- Wednesday, March 1: Transition Planning Fair. Join us in-person from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. to speak with OCDSB staff and local service providers about what local programs are available for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- Thursday, March 2: Speech and Language Open House. This webinar will provide parents and caregivers with information and resources about developing their child’s communication skills.
School Council Parents Reaching Out Grants: Applications Due February 20
School Councils can apply to receive Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grant funding of up to $750 per council, provided by the Ministry of Education. The purpose of this grant is to support innovative projects/activities that engage parents/caregivers and build their capability in anti-racism, equity/anti-oppression, and food sovereignty. For more information about the funding, eligibility criteria, and how School Councils can apply, visit our Supporting School Councils page.
School News
In 2022, students and staff at John McCrae Secondary School, Nepean High School, Osgoode Township High School, and Sir Robert Borden High School raised an incredible $272,695.31 by organizing Relay For Life Youth events.
At North Gower Public School, grade 3-5 students are unleashing their imagination through songs, filmmaking, and animation, as part of a Canada-wide initiative to promote learning through play.
In case you missed it…
Toonie Tuesday is February 21: This year, with your support, the Education Foundation of Ottawa is hoping to raise $80,000 for Toonie Tuesday. The Education Foundation supports students in need by providing healthy food and snacks, warm coats, new backpacks, school supplies, and more. You can donate online or through your School Cash Online Account, or send your child to school with $2 (or more) anytime between now and Toonie Tuesday.
Have a good weekend,
Michele Giroux
Director of Education