Free menstrual pads in OCDSB schools for students Gr. 4+
While menstruation is a normal and healthy bodily function, for too many students, having a period can lead to feelings of shame and financial hardship. OCDSB students have said they can’t participate in school without access to period products. Students have had to leave school, miss class, or be late.
The stigma, lack of access, and expense can ultimately affect a student’s comfort, health and well-being, not to mention their ability to learn.
Thanks to the advocacy of students, this year, the OCDSB will be providing access to free menstrual products in our schools. Our Menstrual Equity initiative will focus on students starting in grade 4 and above, but anyone can take a pad if they need it. More information on where sanitary pads will be located will be shared from each school. Learn more.