Every School Council has an OCDSB email address ([email protected]). School Council chairs shall use these OCDSB accounts during their one-year term. Each year, incoming School Council chairs can access their account by speaking with their principal.
School Council email accounts offer a secure and consistent way to communicate with your school community. To ensure continuity when council membership changes, School Councils are asked to use these accounts for the following:
- Receiving OCDSB communications - All School Council email accounts will receive School Council News and other communications from the OCDSB. In addition, the OCDSB Family and Community Engagement department may contact individuals in order to foster connections with school councils and support school outreach. Remember to check your account regularly!
- Hosting virtual meetings - Access to Google Meet is tied to an OCDSB email address. School council meetings could be set up on Google Meet using the Principal’s or the School Council's email address. For information, please see our Tips for Hosting School Council Meetings using Google Meet.
- School website updates - Access to edit the School Council pages on school websites is tied to an OCDSB email address. To edit the website, please log in with your School Council account and follow these Website Support guides.
- Communicating with families - Families in your school can email your School Council email address to share questions or suggestions with the Council executive team.
- Year-end reporting - Use your OCDSB School Council email address when completing the year-end and financial report forms.
- Social media - If your School Council creates a social media profile, please use the OCDSB email address to sign up for the account. This will ensure an easier transition when council membership changes.
If you have any questions, please speak with your principal or office administrator.