The Ministry of Education has created 25 helpful tips for School Councils on involving parents in the school. This month, we’re capping off the series with tips #22-25, which focus on how to continue building parent involvement over time.
Be persistent
Building parent involvement is a process. An effective parent involvement program will take place over months rather than days, and with continued effort, will be sustained over years. These tips will help you maintain consistent parent contact and spread the school message within the wider community.
Tip 22: Reminder program
Parents lead busy lives. Remember to send reminders home to parents about council meetings and other important school events. Email or text are cost-effective and efficient methods for keeping parents informed on a day-to-day basis. If available, an outdoor sign can also be an effective way to keep this information highly visible and top of mind for parents.
Tip 23: Identify yourself at school events
Encourage school council members to be visible at key events such as information nights, school concerts and graduation ceremonies. When participating in school events, consider the use of a name tag so that parents identify you as a school council member.
Tip 24: Be a community ambassador
Encourage school council members to speak up – both formally and informally – about the school whenever they have an opportunity in the community. School council members are often engaged in a variety of social and community organizations who may welcome information about the school and its activities.
Tip 25: Have a recognition program
Provide recognition for school council members, and other parents, for their contributions to various activities and initiatives. This might take the form of a brief note to the parent, a gift certificate, recognition at a school council meeting, mention in the school or school council newsletter, or public mention at a school assembly or other event.