UPDATE (April 26, 2023) - Following the public consultation, no changes were made to the initial policy draft that was posted for consultation. The policy was brought to the April 25th Committee of the Whole meeting, where the trustees approved the revisions to P.019.GOV Special Education Advisory Committees. We would like to thank the OCDSB Community for their time in reviewing the policy. Undeniably, you are an integral part of our policy review process that is deeply appreciated. If you have any additional comments regarding this consultation or any other, please reach out to [email protected].
Background: Ontario
Regulation 464/97, Special Education Advisory Committees, requires all
school boards in Ontario to establish a Special Education Advisory
Committee for the board, and sets out the requirements and limitations
on the membership of the committee. The members of the SEAC are
appointed by the Board for the term of the Board. Following the
Indigenous Education Council’s (IEC) request that the composition of
SEAC be amended to include members who represent the interests of
Indigenous students with special education needs, the Board has
undertaken a review of Policy P.019.GOV Special Education Advisory Committees.
The aforementioned request made by IEC is represented in the revised policy draft
and in doing so, supporting our commitment to addressing the
recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. In addition,
language has been better aligned with the legislation to ensure
consistency. We invite your feedback regarding the revised policy draft by emailing [email protected]
by March 22, 2023. After which, the revised policy - with public
feedback taken into account - will be presented to the Committee of the
Whole on April 4, 2023.