Learn at Home

infoThe following information refers to the Learn At Home program that took place from March to June 2020.

OCDSB Learn At Home is Phase 2 of a province wide learning at home strategy to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.  OCDSB Learn At Home is a way to focus student learning on key concepts so that students can finish their academic year and advance to the next year or graduate. Download OCDSB Learn at Home Plan - Phase 2 PDF

OCDSB Learn at Home Plan Phase 2
Kindergarten to Grade 3
5 Hours Per Week

Grades 4 to 6
5 Hours Per Week 
  • Focus on Literacy and Mathematics
  • Student engages in 5 hours of teaching and learning per week
  • Students will receive feedback on their learning and progress.
  • Students will receive a report card at the end of Term 2.
  • Educators will work with students and families to ensure that the learning and communication best meets the needs of the student and their family circumstances
  •  Focus on Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Technology and Social Studies
  • Student engages in 5 hours of teaching and learning per week
  • Students will receive feedback on their learning and progress
  • Students will receive a report card at the end of Term 2.
  • Educators will work with students and families to ensure that the learning and communication best meets the needs of the student and their family circumstances.
Grades 7 to 8
10 Hours Per Week

 Grades 9 to 12
3 Hours Per Course Per Week (Semester)
1.5 Hours Per Course Per Week

  • Focus on Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Technology and History/Geography
  • Student engages in 10 hours of teaching and learning per week
  • Students will receive feedback on their learning and progress
  • Students will receive a report card at the end of Term 2
  • Educators will work with students and families to ensure that the learning and communication best meets the needs of the student and their family circumstances.
  • Focus on credit accumulation and graduation for Grade 12 students
  • Student engage in 3 hours of teaching and learning per week for course (Semestered)/1.5 hours of teaching and learning for course (Non-Semestered)
  • Students will be assigned learning tasks, projects and culminating activities that will be marked by their teachers. Ongoing feedback will be provided.
  • Grade 12 students will receive mid-term marks and all secondary students will receive a final report card at the end of Semester 2.
  • Educators will work with students and families to ensure that the learning and communication best meets the needs of the student and their family circumstances.
special education
technology Online Resources English Language Learners eLearning Assessment and Evaluation

Some things parents should know about the OCDSB Learn At Home strategy are:

  • Age and Grade Appropriate – Everything is based on the age and grade of the student, including hours of work, focus areas, use of technology and communication;
  • Hours of Work - The number of hours of learning per week is reduced and includes the total amount of time for instruction and student work;
  • Focused - Not every subject will be taught in elementary; in secondary and elementary teachers will focus on key concepts;
  • Instruction – Instruction is teacher-led with resources to support learning, and tasks/assignments for students;
  • Technology - Instruction will happen electronically and could include Google classroom, Google Meets/Hangouts, Google Sites, and our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), teacher websites and email or phone calls as appropriate; 
  • Supported – Resources and supports are available for families including access to technology, online learning resourcesspecial education resources, professional services. Speak with your principal for support.
  • Culturally Relevant and Responsive - Students have access to learning resources where they see themselves and their families represented and reflected. 
  • Assessment – All students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, will receive final report cards at the end of the school year. Students graduating from grade 12 this year will receive mid-year marks for semester 2.
  • Parental Support - Parent Resources and supports have been created to help support student learning. Find out how you can help support your child in our Learn at Home Phase 2 -Parent Guide and our 10 Tips for Parents to Support Learn at Home

Connecting with All Our OCDSB Families

Connecting with All Our OCDSB Families

Over the past few weeks, we have been working to contact students to check in and make sure things are okay.

However, we haven’t been able to reach all families.

If you have not spoken with your teacher or principal, please email them as soon as you can.

You can also contact our Family Reception Centre, which supports families whose primary language is not English: 613-239-2416 or [email protected]

Teachers are committed to helping students that face any difficulty. We can establish a regular method of communication once we get in touch with you.

We’re here to help

COVID-19 is creating pressures for many families and there is a lot of uncertainty. We want you to know that the OCDSB and your school are here to help you and your family. We don’t have all of the answers, but we can work with school resource teams and community partners to help. Here is a link to an information sheet with community resources and supports.

Things are hard right now, but know that we miss you and are here to help when you are ready. We look forward to reconnecting with you as soon as possible.

Keep in touch with your school and the OCDSB

  1. Contact your teacher
  2. Answer the phone - Your child’s teacher may be trying to reach you.
  3. Follow the OCDSB - We are sharing updates on our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  4. Connect with other families - Do you know other families whose children attend school? Ask if they have been in touch with their teacher. If not, suggest they contact them as soon as possible.
  5. Share with your community - Remind your community that learning is still happening. Your school is here to help. 
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