Creativity Takes Flight with Kite Project at John Young Elementary School

Creativity Takes Flight with Kite Project at John Young Elementary School
Posted on 06/14/2023
Creativity Takes Flight with Kite Project at John Young Elementary School

More than 200 kites filled the skies above John Young Elementary School last week. Students in kindergarten to grade 6 hand-made these kites while building their skills in math, science, and French.

Core French teacher Ajay Sirkissoon collaborated with staff members and eight classes from kindergarten to grade 6 on this school-wide initiative. In each class, students applied curriculum-linked skills to make their kites soar. 

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Kindergarten students learned new words and used their motor skills to tie knots, cut paper, and use rulers. In grades 3 and 4, students measured how much material they needed for their kites. In grade 5, students calculated the angles and surface area of their creations. Meanwhile, grade 6 classes learned how factors like weight and wind affect kites. This knowledge helped them understand how bigger structures, like airplanes, fly successfully.

After lots of teamwork, idea-sharing, and trial-and-error, students took their creations to the John Young schoolyard. They enjoyed outdoor exercise while experimenting with ways to make their kites reach their full potential.
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Here’s what students had to say about the experience:


“Building our kites helped me learn that math and science connect really well together in the real world.” - Marwan S. 

“I learned how to tie knots, which I didn't know how to do but I learned something new. Also I needed patience when there wasn't a lot of wind so it was difficult to fly the kite. But overall I had fun flying and making the kite.” - Sarah A.

“Building our kites helped me learn about estimating measurements. We also found out what type of structure it is and it's a combination structure of frame/shell. We found out we have to curve to catch the wind.” - Dinse A. 

“Our kites project had a lot of connections to other subjects, like in science we had to know a little bit of aerodynamics. In math, we needed our knowledge of measurements. In health, because we were getting exercise. We had so much fun!!!” - Zain

“I liked this kite project because it reminded me of health because I got exercise and everyone got fresh air. It also reminded me of math because in the kite project we had to do measurements and geometry. The kite project also reminded me of science because we learned about planes and air dynamics. Most importantly, everyone had fun!!!” - Milad L.

“I had a great time flying kites and learning all about them. What I learned was that you need to make sure that all measurements of the kite are correct or else your kite might not fly even if some measurements are one cm short. Also make sure that your kite is not too heavy otherwise it will fall and not fly. Another thing I've learned was that the tail on a kite helps keep the kite stable and not keep rolling around.” - Navya P.

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