Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 11, Open

This course will help students combine the skills required for and knowledge of different subjects and disciplines to solve problems, make decisions, create personal meaning and present findings beyond the scope of a single subject or discipline. Through individual and collaborative inquiry and research, students will analyse the connections among diverse subjects and disciplines; develop information literacy skills in analysing, selecting, evaluating and communicating information; and become aware of a variety of resources and viewpoints on contemporary issues. They will also examine their own learning styles, relate their inquiries and research to real-life situations, and investigate career opportunities in new disciplines.
Prerequisite: For IDC3O, none; for IDP3O, the prerequisite for each of the courses in the package

Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, Open

This course emphasizes the development of practical skills and knowledge to solve problems, make decisions, create personal meaning, and present findings beyond the scope of a single subject or discipline. Through individual and collaborative inquiry and research into contemporary issues, real-life situations, and careers, students will apply the principles and skills derived from the complementary subjects and disciplines studied, evaluate the reliability of information, and examine how information technology can be used safely, effectively and legally. They will also learn how to select strategies to define problems, research alternative solutions, assess their thinking in reaching decisions and adapt to change as they acquire new knowledge.
Prerequisite: For IDC4O, none; for IDP4O, the prerequisite for each of the courses in the package

Interdisciplinary Studies, Grade 12, University Preparation

This course will help students develop and consolidate the skills required for and knowledge of different subjects and disciplines to solve problems, make decisions, create personal meaning and present findings beyond the scope of a single subject or discipline. Students will apply the principles and processes of inquiry and research to effectively use a range of print, electronic and mass media resources; to analyse historical innovations and exemplary research; and to investigate real-life situations and career opportunities in interdisciplinary endeavours. They will also assess their own cognitive and affective strategies, apply general skills in both familiar and new contexts, create innovative products and communicate new knowledge.
Prerequisite: For IDC4U, any university or university/college preparation course; for IDP4U, the prerequisite for each of the courses in the package

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