Exit Outcomes

Exit Outcomes: Characteristics and Skills

Exit outcomes are for every student.

In the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, our goal is to have every secondary student leave our school district with the required characteristics and skills to be a 21st-century success story. We have a vast array of programs and services to help meet the needs of each and every student. Our school district has invested significantly in the professionals who work with and support students on a daily basis. We believe that our focus on teaching and learning can assist every student in moving on to post-secondary opportunities of their choice.


As a part of the Secondary School Review, the OCDSB requested input through an outcomes survey on characteristics and skills that students need to succeed after graduation. Input was sought through several stakeholder groups, including trustees, school staff, principals, vice principals, managers, central staff, board advisory committees, students and parents. Overall, there were 343 completed surveys submitted, representing at least 1015 people.

Exit outcomes are directly linked to our current 2015-2019 strategic plan. The exit outcomes provide a target for every OCDSB student, regardless of pathway in K-12 or their destination of work, apprenticeship, college, university or community living.

Our intent is to have every student leave our school district with the identified

OCDSB Exit Outcomes Characteristics and Skills.

  • Collaborative
  • Globally Aware
  • Goal-oriented
  • Innovative/Creative
  • Resilient
  • Academically Diverse
  • Critical Thinkers
  • Digitally Fluent
  • Effective Communicators
  • Ethical Decision-makers

Exit Outcomes: Characteristic and Skills We Want for Our Learners Poster

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