How can I get involved?
Human rights are for everyone and you are encouraged to participate. We want to hear from you!
Write us a message and share your thoughts, ideas and recommendations for improvement of the draft human rights policy Send your suggestions to: [email protected]
Discussion with Indigenous Community. We invite First Nations, Métis, and Inuit family and community members to join a virtual discussion on November 1, from 4:00pm to 5:30pm to share your ideas to improve the draft Human Rights Policy which references Indigenous rights. The discussion will be facilitated by Jody Alexander, who leads the Indigenous Education and Learning team, together with Carolyn Tanner who leads the arm’s length Office of the Human Rights and Equity Advisor. Please register here.
Consultation Timeline:
The Board of Trustees approved a Consultation Plan in December 2020. We expect that the final policy will be approved by the Board in or around December 2021.
Phase One - January to October 2021 - Completed
- Survey of students, families and community members was completed. 1732 people participated in the survey. This is a link to the survey results.
- Small group discussions were held with students, families and community members and employees to identify priorities
- An internal working group of subject matter experts created a draft human rights policy based on feedback received during Phase 1
Phase Two - October to December 2021
We are currently seeking written feedback on the draft human rights policy from students, families and community members and employees. Feedback should be sent in writing to [email protected] Feedback will be considered and incorporated where possible. Feedback must be received on or before November 5, 2021.
Phase Three - After Approval
The Human Rights Policy was approved by the Board of Trustees on January 25, 2022. Development of related procedures and informational materials is currently underway.
We are all born free and equal, in dignity and rights.
We have the right to enjoy our human rights without discrimination because of our ancestry, race, colour, ethnicity, nationality, ability, age, religion, language, gender, or who we love.
Education is a fundamental human right. OCDSB students have the right to equally access an education that helps them develop to their fullest potential, that teaches them about diversity and to respect different cultures and people, and that gives them an understanding of the culture, history, contributions and aspirations of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Students have the right to an education that centres the best interests of the child and is free from discrimination.
Principals, teachers, management and support staff have a role to play in helping deliver education to children in a way that fully respects their rights. Employees also are entitled to work free from discrimination.
The OCDSB is committed to promoting and protecting the human rights of its students, their families, its employees and the wider OCDSB community. It has a variety of policies and procedures that relate to some aspects of human rights, but we need a central human rights policy that sets the standards and clearly outlines how they will be enforced.
The OCDSB Human Rights Policy will meet several aims. It will:
- promote and protect human rights within the OCDSB community;
- set out rights, roles and responsibilities of students, parents, staff and the OCDSB itself;
- establish accountability mechanisms to allow people to request changes that will remove barriers that may result in discrimination and seek resolution of human rights-related concerns or complaints.
To do this, we need your help.
Starting in January 2021, we will be consulting with students, parents/guardians, staff and community members as the OCDSB works to create a district-wide human rights policy.