The MacSkimming Outdoor Education Centre is having its annual Open Trails day on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This is the only day of this school year when this 425-acre classroom will be open to the public for everyone to explore. Take a hike through the trails and discover the biodiversity of this unique site, which is part of the Environment & Climate Change Canada‘s Beckett Creek Migratory Bird Sanctuary. Normally, this OCDSB facility is only open to attending students and classes.
There is plenty of parking at 3685 Wilhaven Drive and 3640 Ottawa Regional Road #174.
Visitors are welcome to bring a lunch or picnic, and a fire will be set up at the Village Field Centre for those who wish to bring items for a cookout lunch.
Bring your binoculars, camera, magnifying lenses and, most importantly, your curiosity! You can share your observations on the MacSkimming Centre’s iNaturalist project page.
Check out this event poster to see some of the species that call the Centre their home.
The OCDSB’s Outdoor Education Centres provide high quality, hands-on outdoor programming that is designed and delivered to compliment classroom learning in many sections of the Ontario Curriculum. Learn more on the Outdoor Education page.