This fall, Kindergarten students at Osgoode Public School have become budding firefighters, creating a classroom “fire station” that received a special visit from the local fire department.
Led by Registered Early Childhood Educator Lauryn Vandekemp, the class built a fire station play area where they could learn about fire prevention and safety. Through imaginative play, students practiced making emergency calls and working together to respond to different scenarios.
When word of the project reached the crew at the local Ottawa Fire Services Station 92, the firefighters asked to surprise the class with a visit to “inspect” their station. They also brought along their fire truck, giving students a fire safety presentation complete with a tour of the truck and its equipment.
“The children loved the firefighters’ visit and they asked to make cards for them. So we learned how to spell ‘thank you’ and ‘merci.’ There was a lot of excitement. We even sparked the interest of the older classes, for which we set up another visit. The community firefighters are such a great asset for our schools.” - Lauryn Vandekemp, RECE
Since the visit, the Kindergarten students have been inspired to dive even deeper into their learning. They mapped out their evacuation plan as a class and added new tools to their fire station play area. They also used play to explore other types of emergencies that firefighters respond to – from helping injured people to rescuing pets.
The Station 92 crew made another visit to the school to do a question-and-answer session and fire truck tour with the grade 1-6 classes.
Thank you to Ottawa Fire Services for making these learning experiences possible!