Building Literacy Skills with SATE

Building Literacy Skills with SATE
Posted on 06/26/2023
Building Literacy Skills with SATEOCDSB’s Student Achievement Through Equity (SATE) Inquiry has worked to build literacy skills through programming for students, parents, and caregivers. Throughout the year, SATE has delivered Literacy Sessions, providing practical tools to help parents build their children’s reading, writing, and oral language skills. In June, students from several schools showcased their literacy skills by coming together to participate in a SATE Spelling Bee.

SATE Literacy Sessions

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This year, more than 300 parents, guardians, and caregivers of students in Kindergarten to grade 2 have participated in 11 SATE Literacy Sessions. At the sessions, families explored a range of strategies – from alphabet games to pencil grip techniques, from conversation prompts to writing projects. They received resource kits with tools like alphabet charts, notebooks, and flash cards to apply these skills at home.

The sessions have welcomed many families who were newcomers to Canada, offering strategies for English Language Learners. Families explored the importance of talking at home in their own language, as well as tips for building vocabulary in English. Multicultural Liaison Officers joined to share support in different languages.

OCDSB staff from the SATE, Early Learning, and Learning Support Services departments worked together with school staff and councils to make these sessions possible. Local branches of the Ottawa Public Library also joined many of the events, where they shared about programs available, helped families sign up for library cards, and donated books.

Here’s what some parents had to say about the events:


“[This session] enhanced my knowledge and gave useful tools to enhance my own sessions at home.” – Queen Elizabeth Public School Parent

“I love the handouts to support the learning.” – Robert E. Wilson Public School Parent

“This session explained how they teach these skills in school so we can teach them at home the same way.” – Queen Mary Street Public School Parent

“Today I understand more things, such as Narrate Life (a phonemic awareness activity), functional pencil grasp, and talking and reading for our kids.” – Carson Grove Elementary School Parent

SATE Spelling Bee

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Around 25 students from Robert E. Wilson Elementary School, Queen Elizabeth Public School, W.E. Gowling Public School, Hawthorne Public School, and Pinecrest Public School came together to put their spelling skills to the test at an interschool spelling bee.

In the primary division, W.E. Gowling Public School earned first, second, and third place. In the junior division, W.E. Gowling earned first place and tied with Hawthorne Public School for second place, while Robert E. Wilson Public School came in third.

Robert E. Wilson Public School swept the top three spots in the English Language Learners division, while Queen Elizabeth Public School won the intermediate division.

Congratulations to all of the competitors on your success!

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