Buzzworthy Learning: Students Code and Create with Bee-Bots

Buzzworthy Learning: Students Code and Create with Bee-Bots
Posted on 04/25/2024
Buzzworthy Learning: Students Code and Create with Bee-Bots

This spring, John Young Elementary School became a hive of learning and innovation as students embarked on a cross-curricular project featuring “Bee-Bots” – programmable robots designed to teach young learners about coding.

Students in grades 4 to 6 became maze designers, crafting intricate paths for the Bee-Bots to navigate. From bustling villages to far-off galaxies, their imaginative designs knew no bounds. Guided by Core French teacher Ajay Sirkissoon, they applied math and measurement skills to ensure smooth navigation for their robotic friends. Working in teams, they brought their ideas to life with vibrant colours and eye-catching artwork.

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Then came the big moment: inviting fellow students to join the fun. The challenge? Presenting their projects in French and teaching younger peers how to code. The students rose to the occasion, mastering technical French vocabulary and creating coding instructions that all ages could understand.

After months of preparation, the students gathered in the gym and showed their Kindergarten friends how to guide the Bee-Bots through the mazes. The room buzzed with excitement and collaboration. “That was awesome! I got to make my bot turn,” said one Kindergarten student. “That is so cool! Can we have one of these in our class?” asked another.
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The grade 4-6 students enjoyed combining their knowledge of different subjects into an exciting and collaborative adventure. Here’s what some of them had to say about the experience:


"I loved the bee bot project. It was so fun teaching the little kids to code and dreaming up this whole map for other kids to play with. Spending weeks coloring and drawing up our own maps was SO much fun, and it even connected to other subjects like art for the drawing and technology for the basic coding. The project even had some math by measuring the squares perfectly so the beebot can fit. - Jude K., Grade 5

“It was very fun making the maze for the Beebot! I loved seeing all the little kids' reactions, they were so cute! I learned how to draw better and I learned how to code! Now I can do better next year!” - Alibeth O., Grade 5

“The Bee-bot project was one of my favorite projects this year, it enlightened my imagination, and it was a really fun group project because it was cool to see other people's imagination. Also, it was very enjoyable when we got to the part where we code the Bee-bot. Overall this was a great learning experience for all!” - Marwan, Grade 6

“This was a very interesting project! It taught me a lot about patience and understanding the work very well. The coding was an extra special part of it, as we were able to make the Beebot go anywhere. I also enjoyed being able to be creative with my maze design.” - Liana, Grade 6


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