(The Newsbrief is meant to provide the highlights of the decisions made at the Board meeting for the benefit of our community. The notes do not serve as the official record of the meeting. Please refer to Board or Committee minutes).
The Director of Education began the Board Meeting by reading from her Letter to the Community The letter addresses recent media reports relating to charges against three former teachers at Bell High School.
Public Motions
Report 18-115, Consolidation of Safe School Policies
Trustees voted to approve the consolidation of the following Safe Schools Policies.
P.036.SCO Weapons
P.106.SCO Access to School Board Premises
P.123.SCO Bullying Prevention and Intervention
P.124.SCO ProgressiveDiscipline and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour
There are no operational changes as a result of consolidating the policies. Presently, there are a number of safe schools policies under review that will result in the streamlining of language and further delineation between policies and procedures. Prior to approving the consolidation staff answered a series of Trustee inquiries. Staff will bring forth a proposed policy and or consultation plan no later than November 30, 2019.
Ad Hoc Committee to Develop an Advocacy Strategy
Trustees received a report from the Ad Hoc Committee to Develop an Advocacy Strategy on the following issues:
- Improving Ontario students’ performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
- Preparing students with job skills, including skilled trades or fields, such as coding;
- Graduating students with life skills like financial literacy;
- Providing age-appropriate health and physical education curriculum that includes subjects like mental health, sex-education, and legalization of cannabis and;
- Improving standardized testing.
Approval of Audit Committee Annual Report for 2017-2018
Trustees approved the Audit Committee's Annual Report for 2017-2018. The work performed by the Audit Committee contributes to the District’s successful corporate governance framework. The Audit Committee’s efforts continue to enhance the District’s internal control, risk management, and financial reporting processes.
Approval of OCDSB 2017-2018 Consolidated Financial Statements
Trustees approved the Draft 2017-2018 Consolidated Financial Statements. The District’s 2017-2018 actual results on a non-consolidated (compliance) basis showed expenses of $937.2 million, revenues of $952.3 million and a surplus of $15.1 million.
The approval of the draft 2017-2018 Consolidated Financial Statements includes the provision that certain unspent budgets be carried forward for use in 2018- 2019. The amounts carried forward act as a draw on the accumulated surplus and are used to acquire supplies and services in the subsequent year.
Approval of Revisions to OCDSB By-Laws and Standing Rules, and Policy P.012, Board Governance Trustee’s approved revisions to the Board’s By-Laws and Standing Rules. The objective is to improve the effective and strategic use of meeting times and committees - in hopes of supporting the well-being of staff, trustees, and community partners.
Trustees believe the revisions will allow members of the Board to continue to elevate the work of the Board to a higher level of governance, focused on setting strategic direction, monitoring and providing oversight to the work of the District. The revisions will result in the Agenda Planning Committee standing down.
Meeting ended at 9:55 p.m.