On 28 September 2023, the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) publicly released the results of the provincial assessments conducted during the 2022-2023 school year. This is the second set of annually released provincial assessment data since several changes in administration of the assessment, and the establishment of a new baseline in 2021-2022. Both datasets are based on a destreamed mathematics curriculum, the new EQAO assessment frameworks, changes in reporting (with percentage calculations based on all participating students, rather than all eligible), and electronic administration of EQAO assessments.
As of 12 October 2023, board and school level results are publicly available on the EQAO website. The tables below summarize last year’s EQAO results across the different assessments for all students (Table 1), multilingual learners (Table 2), and students with special education needs (Table 3). Results from the previous school year (2021-2022) are also provided for comparison.