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Getting Involved

Parents and community members play a vital role in promoting the success of our schools and students. When parents get involved in their child's education and school life, the benefits are constant. Parental involvement boosts student achievement, increases opportunities and encourages communication.

Your participation in our schools makes a big difference.  You can volunteer for one event or a hundred and one. Do what works best for you, your child and your family.

Supporting parent engagement in Ontario schools

Ontario's Parents Reaching Out grants are designed to involve more parents in support of student achievement and well-being.

There are two types of grants:

1. Parents Reaching Out Grants for School Councils:

These grants support parents in finding local solutions to help more parents get involved in their school communities. Sometimes parents choose not to get involved because they are new to Ontario's education system, unfamiliar with the language, economic conditions or transportation barriers. These grants address these issues and encourage a cooperation and solutions.

2. Parents Reaching Out Grants for Regional / Provincial Projects:

These grants support regional or provincial initiatives, with a goal of supporting student achievement and well-being. They help fund projects that create a welcoming climate in schools and school boards and give parents the opportunities to help support greater student success.

Find out more about these grants at www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/parents/reaching.html

Parent engagement builds student success

When parents are involved in their children's education, everyone benefits. Great schools promote teaching and learning.

Resources and information for parents

A wide variety of materials for parents of elementary and secondary students are available at ontario.ca/EDUparents. This page has information for parents about the in many languages.

Parents of infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-age children can:

Learn about child care in Ontario and early years programs at ontario.ca/childcare.

Get information about full-day kindergarten for four-and five-year-olds at ontario.ca/kindergarten.

Find resources to help their children with reading, writing and math in English, French and other languages at ontario.ca/EDUparents.

Learn how to help your high school student succeed at ontario.ca/studentsuccess.

Parents matter – when you get involved – your child has a better chance at success.

Be part of the school team!