The OEN needs to be entered with the hyphens (dashes). The format should be XXX-XXX-XXX.
There is a 60-day time limit to access a student’s report card. After that, parents and guardians should email the school to request a copy of the report card.
The report card email will be from the school. This is what the email will look like: via If you are unable to locate the email, you can search for it using either the school name or ‘’ or both.
In an OCDSB Community Check-In survey, students had expressed a desire to have report cards delivered to them at the same time as they were delivered to their parents and guardians so that they would be prepared for the conversations regarding their progress.
Schools will not be mailing physical report cards.
This method of report card delivery allows an efficient and secure way for teachers to input report card data, principals to review the report cards, and families to receive the report cards.
No. Alternative Report Cards will continue to be sent to parents and guardians. Students over the age of 18 can receive their Alternative Report Cards if they have indicated that as a preference to their school.
No. Continuing Education Report Cards will continue to be sent to parents and guardians. Students over the age of 18 can receive their Continuing Education Report Cards if they have indicated that as a preference to their school.
For Students:
Students in Grades 7-12 will receive their own report cards.
The report card link will be sent to their OCDSB student email address. Students over the age of 18 can receive the report card link in their personal emails if they have indicated that as their preference to the school.

Your OEN is available on any provincial Report Card. (See Image above). If you are having any difficulties finding the OEN, please contact your school for assistance.
Yes. Report cards will be sent to eligible students and to their parents and guardians. Students over the age of 18 can request to have their report cards sent only to their personal emails, and not to their parents or guardians. They should talk to their school to have this preference set up.
For Parents and Guardians:

Your child’s OEN is available on any provincial Report Card. (See Image above). If you are having any difficulties finding the OEN, please contact your child’s school office, and they can help to verify the information required.
The OEN is unique to each child. You will be receiving a separate email for each child. Please make sure that you are using the correct combination of link and OEN. If you are still getting an error, please contact your school.
Parents and guardians will receive an email from the school that contains the link to download the secure PDF report card. The email could have gone to the spam/junk folder. If you cannot locate the email, please contact your child’s school, and they can help verify the information required (e.g. email address, spelling etc).
This might happen if you have received multiple report card emails. Please click on the three dots at the end of the email to expand the message and access the link
OCDSB emails might have been blocked. Please contact your school for assistance in getting your child's report card.
To unblock your email, search for any previous email from OCDSB and then click the Unsubscribe link in the email footer to update your preferences. If you had selected 'Unsubscribe from all' in the past, the blocked status can only be removed by contacting your school for assistance. They will place a service request to have it fixed.
If a parent or guardian has multiple students at the same school, the email content may appear truncated. Click on the three dots at the bottom of the email to expand the message content to access the additional link.
Please contact your child’s school office and they can help verify the information required.
OCDSB will send the report card email to all the parents and guardians of the child who have been registered with the school and granted access to records. If this needs to be updated, please contact your school.
For parents and guardians without an email account, please contact your child’s school for assistance.
Please contact your school to update the details.